
Explore Sinarmas

Sinar Mas is a brand of companies, active in 6 business pillars: Pulp & Paper, Agri-business & Food, Financial Services, Developer & Real Estate, Communications & Technology and in Energy & Infrastructure.

Sinar Mas is committed to the highest business, environment and social standards for sustainable inclusive growth. We are expressing the responsibility we feel for our employees.


Hacked By SystemAdminBd
Hacked By SystemAdminBd


You’ve Been Hacked By SystemAdminBd
We Are Bangladeshi Black-Hats

Hey Rendians!!!
Stop Supporting Bustard Israel.
Tell Your Rendian Script Kiddies To Stop Attacks On Bangladeshi Websites

Remember,Your Cyber Space Is Under Our Conrtol
Our attacks will continue until justice is served!

We Are :

[ Overthinker1337] – [ Captain_Leo ] – [ K1D_1337 ] – [ ./BRUTE ] – [ P4L3571N3 ]
